Yeah, ok, so it’s “fall” or whatever. But you’d never know it over here in Los Angeles where it is fucking eight billion degrees and all the sweaters I optimistically bought are staring at me from my closet going, “HEHEHEHE! I ate all your money!”
Do not let people/publications salivating at an uptick in affiliate revenue trick you into thinking that your house “needs” an entirely new decorative scheme for fall. You do not need a collection of acorn-themed pillows to adorn your couch for mere weeks before you stuff them back into a closet. And don’t be fooled by Crate & Barrel selling you whatever “classy” Halloween essentials they are pedaling this year because sure, they are clever or whatever but you need to buy the whole freaking collection to make it look like anything and we are not all Marthas, okay?? And yes, EyeSwoon, your curation of “chic” Halloween decor is really fucking beautiful (respect and bless you) but I, a poor, just cannot justify spending $850 on “Old Silver Plated Ice Bucket Ca.1900” on 1stdibs.