Hello Schmattaites? Schmattians? Schmattits?
Today’s episode is a bit of a hodgepodge. But let’s get straight into it.
Act one, act one: Favorite things. This selection is a bit heavy on lighting.
This bar cabinet by Anna Karlin. (Care to guess the price?)
I’ve never seen anything like it. Those are curved ceramic tiles enclosing oak shelving and storage. Naturally, this piece is made to order. If you guessed the cost at $42,000, then you’d be right.
This Sarah Burns lamp.
Sarah Burns has created a recent buzz thanks to a solo exhibition at Marta. Her previous collection felt like a mid-century-meets-utilitarian fantasy. This lamp creation is a softer vibe and I simply love it. (And I have a feeling my cat would, too.)
Our orange tree is about to be poopin’ out citrus bombs and so I just got this pleated juicer (on sale!). It won’t arrive for another week or so, but I have high hopes.
Franco Raggi La Classica Lamp.
This popped up on my Insta feed and immediately my mind shouted TEMPLECORE! TEMPLECORE! TEMPLECORE! (Thanks
for coining that term.)Guilty pleasure: Apartment hunting videos.
I've been reliving my youth vicariously (kinda) through these very influencer-y "apartment hunting in..." videos. My go-to city is Paris, but I also love ones that cover NYC and London. It's mostly confirmation that the rental market is fucked in every major city. But still...these young people, moving abroad, making choices about couches in light-filled spaces without seeming to have any real job...it makes me sad about the loss of my youth. And also kind of bitter, seeing as I was a young thing living in Paris many years ago and why didn't I try to capitalize on that more so I could be an OG influencer? Hindsight is vingt/vingt.
Even though we live in a craftsman home, I can’t stop imagining these modern and colorful pieces flanking my fireplace.